With the ever-changing situation surrounding COVID-19, we would like to update you all about what we are doing to play our part in helping to stop the spread and protecting the vulnerable.
The Australian Government has activated the Emergency Response Plan for Communicable Disease Incidents of National Significance (National CD Plan) and the Emergency Response Plan for Novel
Given things are changing daily, the team at Brunswick Integrative Care would like to advise that we are now moving to online/remote appointments (Skype/FaceTime/telephone) to continue to support
our patients while reducing the need for personal contact and thereby reducing risk of transmission.
For those patients unable to work remotely and who are well (nil cold or flu symptoms) and no recent travel or contact with a person at risk of infection, we are still able to offer limited
sessions at the clinic. Please contact us at Reception or email your practitioner if you require any clarification or further assistance.
Our Reception team will be contacting
all existing appointment holders to organise an option that suits them best.
Thank you for your understanding and assistance in making this as workable as we can at this time.
Practicing good hand and sneeze/cough hygiene is the best defence against most viruses. You should:
Importance of personal hygiene measures:
Phone your doctor or the hotline – 1800 675 398 – if you need medical attention. They will tell you what to do.
The most common signs and symptoms include:
Other symptoms can include:
Less common symptoms include:
Older people may also have the following symptoms:
For further information click here.
Whilst we still do not know a lot about this virus, supporting your immune system during this outbreak, particularly for those planning to travel, healthcare workers or individuals who work in
public spaces, is a prudent preventative approach.
Please don’t skip this section – it can be as important, if not more important, than supplements and herbs alone. After all, food is the biggest part of what you put in your body.
Reduce Inflammation, when you reduce inflammation, your immune system gets a break too and is better equipped to fight any pathogens, viruses included. Many people immediately think of taking
heaps of anti-inflammatory supplements such as Turmeric or Boswellia. However, modifying your diet will create a more impactful shift.
Here are some ideas for good practice for your health overall, which may help reduce risk:
Contact your practitioner if you have any queries, or make an appointment if you need to discuss any changes or options that you are unsure about.
So what are the healthy food options to focus on when immunity is the priority?
Micro-nutrients essential to fight infection include vitamins A, B, C, D, and E, and the minerals iron, selenium, and zinc.
So where are these nutrients found:
Excessive stimulation of the immune system may be detrimental. In the case of the SARS-Coronavirus V (SARS-Co V) it is not known whether the virus itself or whether macrophages (a type of white
blood cell) recruited to the lungs in response to infection with SARS-CoV contributes to acute respiratory distress.
Prior coronavirus outbreaks, like MERS and SARS, can give us some insight into some of the more natural treatments that we may consider pursuing. While there are many clinical trials
awaiting results, there are some things we know that may help us along the way. These are not recommendations so much as they are considerations based on what we know, ensure you discuss any
options with your practitioner to see if it is appropriate and safe for you.
Primary Therapeutic Nutraceutical Considerations Include:
Previous Mailouts:
We know that in Melbourne it could just as easily get cold again, however we've had a taste of the warm weather ahead so it's time to think about keeping to those healthful food habits you've been getting into, and welcoming the salads and yummy alternatives that Summer brings.
It's also time to start thinking about Christmas and what that means to us and our health goals.
See below for a couple of links to recipes that may help out with Christmas leftovers, as well as the Clinic Christmas break dates, Reception are now taking appointments for the New Year.
Breakfast options, if you feel like something cool and easy to start the day try this recipe for a Chia Pudding, it's delicious, satisfying and full of gut healthy ingredients.
Snack options, have you made our delicious seed crackers yet? Full of nutritious seeds which means great healthy gut food. Gluten free for those that need it, and just plain tasty for those that don't.
Depending in your size you really need to drink 1.5 to 2.5 litres of fluid every day. Your intake effects every cell in your body and maintaining adequate hydration can have a big impact on overall health, think: kidney, skin, gut, brain health, fatigue, the list is endless. For those struggling to reach weight goals - hydration can be key!
The good news is everything counts, yes even coffee & tea! Get creative over the day and get into the habit of carrying a water bottle if it helps. Add mint leaves, add lemon slices, treat it as an indulgence if that helps and look forward to those sparkling options to keep it interesting.There's a great app "WaterMinder" where you can track your intake and set your goals the App will send you text reminders to keep you going.
Have you heard of the "SWITCHEL" yet?
Could this be the next drink trend?
We like to think of it as another opportunity to "switch" it up, increase hydration and make it interesting with some tasty anti-inflammatory ingredients, here's a version you may find handy over the holidays. Switch it in for an alcohol free option, switch it in instead of soft drinks - Switch it up!
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Given the chances of pouring rain versus scorching sun, here is a salad option, a fresh, light, crisp contrast to the Christmas feast. |
Exercise and brain health. It makes good sense that when we work out, the heart gets the blood pumping and this increases circulation to the brain. This increase in circulation helps keep our brain healthy and fit by delivering the oxygen and nutrients it needs, as well as carrying away harmful waste products. Here's some recent research indicating exercise can proactively help your brain stay in good condition as you age. Use the holidays as a time to get some exercise into you daily routine, try aim for achievable blocks that you can manage even when you get back to work
Dietary change can be an important lifestyle strategy, along with exercise, to support mental health. The evidence base continues to increase around Diet and Depression, Anxiety, Adolescent mental health, Neuro-degenerative disorders, Neuro-development and Brain health. In this mailout we will provide some recent articles of interest and links to help inform patient choices.
Gut Bacteria
As Hippocrates said "All disease begins in the gut", when things go wrong medically the health of a persons gut micro-flora is one area that can help or hinder progress back to good health. There's plenty of evidence mounting indicating that a healthy gut bacteria profile helps regulate neurotransmitters (serotonin, dopamine & GABA) which can affect mood, pain and cognition. Support your gut bacteria by avoiding or limiting antibiotics where you can, take a good quality probiotic if you need too, feed your bacteria with wholefood prebiotics (resistant starches), and naturally fermented (probiotic) foods, & avoid feeding the unhealthy bacteria with highly refined sugary foods..
Here is an Australian study that shows how the Mediterranean diet can help fight depression.
Also, how this diet affects behaviour
in many ways.
Stress can also negatively influence health. When stressed the body is exposed to a stress
hormone called "cortisol" as part of the "flight or flight" response. Cortisol is essential to health and is key to many physiological functions, but chronic stress and subjecting the body to
consistently high levels of cortisol can lead to health issues so some quick tips to keep your levels down:
Laughter - significantly reduces stress hormones.
Eat Dark Chocolate & Virgin Olive Oil - (diet plays a role).
Exercise - releases those feel-good hormones.
Sleep - give your body a chance to recover.
Socialise - connectivity and positive social interactions reduce stress hormones.
Limit - caffeine & alcohol.
Relax - yoga, meditation, massage.
Diet has been shown to influence children's behaviour. Symptoms and long-term
outcomes are complex and multi-factorial, this article discusses some of the research to date. Click here to read more.
There is mounting evidence that altering gut microbiome (the bacteria that live in your gut) may help in mental health outcomes. Your diet, genetics and even taking probiotics can alter your gut bacterial content. Here are a couple of links to articles that discuss this in more detail: Psychobiotics and the gut-brain & mental health benefits of pro-biotics.
Some studies where participants consistently ate dark chocolate, which is rich in antioxidants called "polyphenols & flavanols" daily, have shown:
Peace of mind
We are frequently asked by patients how to make the best choices about where to buy eggs, see
below to get information about CluckAR, an app. for your phone developed by Choice which helps make this choice easy!
You are what you eat is an old adage that rings very true for nutritional health, and nowhere
more so than your gut. It's important to keep the lining of your gut in tip top condition to make sure you are able to absorb the nutrients that you eat effectively, and also to help
with overall health as over 70% of your immunity is supported in your gut by the healthy bacteria that live there - your microbiome.
The type of microbes that live in your gut are affected by your diet, your genetics, and your
life-course. Making sure you have a diverse diet, with a regular supply of different sources of fibre (fruit, vegetables, grains) is one of the best things you can do to support your
microbiome. Changes to food habits can change the type of gut microbes you have within 1 to 3 weeks, so positive changes can often bring rapid results.
This month's mail out has a few interesting links about maintaining good gut health, If you have
any specific questions make an appointment to chat to one of our practitioners.
If you feel that gluten may be an issue for you, make sure you discuss this with your practitioner and be tested for Coeliac Disease before you cut it out of your diet, gluten free isn't always the healthiest option for all, and you can't be tested effectively if you've already removed it from your diet. Click here for more information.
Oats are packed with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, help control cholesterol, and can improve insulin sensitivity. Whole oats are filling and help with satiety & weight goals, as well as promoting skin health and bowel regularity and health.
click here for a video from Authority Nutrition explaining why oats are a healthy addition to your food routine, and are great for gut health.
Check out the range of books about gut health available at the clinic.
Some offer help with individual gut health issues, and there's some great
recipe books too.
Like us and keep up to date with us on Facebook, recent posts include some articles addressing the link between gut health and mental health, interesting....
Salad, salad, and more salad......
With the heat continuing who can be bothered with cooking too much, so go with salads. These are the easiest way to make sure you increase your vegetable intake too.
Top tips:
Bone broth (an intense long-cooked stock) is a handy and healthy food to keep on hand, it's a great base for a quick healthy soup, just add some vegetables and
noodles, and here is a great article that gives the run-down on this gut healthy and versatile ingredient, well worth a look!
Click here.
We've covered: Lunches, Fermented foods, Allergies & Intolerance's, Healthy ageing, Supplements, Kids eating habits, Diabetes, and Dieting.
Check back in the NEWS section of our website if you missed any of these or finally have some time to catch-up on emails.
All the Practitioners and staff at Brunswick Integrative Care would like to wish you all a fabulous end of year. We hope that you will enjoy all that this festive season has to offer,
including great times with family and friends, and the joys of festive celebrations and the wonderful foods we share.
Our holiday hours are listed below.
The Joy of Food
The festive season is not a time to feel bad about what we eat, try your best to stick to good habits, but be kind to yourself by savoring the special foods that form part of your family's
traditions. Don't rush these meals, eat to enjoy each mouthful, and drink in your surrounds as well.
Nourish the soul as well as the body by taking some time out to bake something special to share with loved ones, better yet bake it with the kids
and celebrate this time together and they will bask in the attention & richness of this learning experience, and increase those cooking skills of their own.
For a gluten free option perfect for the cheeseboard, how about these crackers for an option made with healthy seeds and plenty of crunch.
Sesame Seed Crackers
Authority Nutrition offer some extra tips to help you stick to your healthy weight over the holidays, click here for more information.
For those of you who are gluten free, Christmas pudding just got easier, here's an option for you to make from Jamie Oliver's
We know this won't be what everyone would like to hear, however it is now well established that for most people Diets just don't work!
At Brunswick Integrative Care we have a range of practitioners who are able to work with you to best support you in your attempt to meet your health goals. Weight Loss is an area that we are asked about frequently, and the truth is that there is no one "quick fix" that works for everyone, your Practitioner will help you understand how best to ensure you are on track to understanding how what you eat affects your results, and how and why your body will respond the way it does.
Picking up a magazine and following a "cookie-cutter" diet will most likely lead to disappointment, for the best outcome we need to understand your weight and health history, the affect of any underlying chronic health issues, your food and lifestyle routine, any barriers to change, and your likes and preferences (and even that is a simplification!). Book your appointment soon to start your journey to better understanding how to develop a healthier relationship with food and your body.
For a little light-hearted take on the science of weight-loss, check out this video about "poodle science" hopefully it illustrates why it's important to individualise your health goals!
Is that late night snack sabotaging all of your best healthy eating efforts? Authority Nutrition have some hints that just may help. Read article here.
There is a lot of misinformation out there about exercise too, read what Choice have to say here.
When we digest our food, the carbohydrate parts are converted to sugars that can be used by the body as energy.
Once absorbed these sugars are available in the bloodstream for use by all the cells in the body, most importantly the brain.
Diabetes occurs when there is too high a level of sugar circulating in a person’s blood, this can be because a person may be unable to produce insulin (Type 1 Diabetes), or a person doesn't
produce as much insulin, &/or the cells that would normally receive sugar have lost sensitivity to the insulin that a person may produce (Type 2 Diabetes).
Blood sugar control is very important to prevent the risk of long term complications that can be associated with diabetes, these include increased risk of cardio vascular disease, and damage to
eyes and kidneys. The management is multi-factorial for both Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes and includes diet, exercise and in many cases medical intervention.
There is no such thing as a one size fits all for dietary advice, and for individualised dietary management of diabetes it is best to see a Dietitian for assistance.
Your GP, Dietitian and Diabetes educator are a perfect team to help with management of blood sugar levels. Chat to your GP about your eligibility for a Chronic Disease Management Plan, this helps you access the services you need from your
team with assistance from Medicare, and ensures their communication with each other to give you the best coordinated care. Click Here for more information.
Kris Gunnars at
Authority Nutrition
writes and curates some reliable evidence based nutritional advice,CLICK HERE to see an article about how to lower blood sugar levels.
Healthy and positive relationships with food and eating start when we are young, and are formed through various life experiences, alongside a developing sense of taste associated
with likes and dislikes. Parents have the greatest influence on what their child will eat (at least while they are little, later peers have some influence too). Repeated exposure to different
foods, even before a baby is born, can help develop liking.
The trick is not to turn mealtimes into a battleground, but rather make it a positive place where family meet to interact and enjoy the wonderful foods that we are so fortunate to be able to eat
We have some tips to help you navigate mealtimes, which include: planning meals, servings sizes, getting kids involved, the division of responsibility, positive attitudes, exposure to new
foods, walking the walk, and removing stress at the table, click here for the full story.
Baby's first foods.
Make a time to see one of our practitioners if you need some individualised advice here.
Supplements are only useful if you have a diagnosed deficiency, and should only be taken on the advice of a qualified health practitioner.
We can all see changes to our appearance as we age, but there are many other changes that occur physiologically that are no so obvious, which can start in our 50s! Our body composition changes with age, and so do nutritional requirements. There can be changes in ability to metabolise nutrients and individual needs should be assessed and if necessary, supported to compensate for these changes. Read more...
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Ageing affects individuals in many ways & nutritional adequacy can be compromised by many factors including:
As we age one of the changes that occurs is the way in which we store fat in our bodies. The amount of fat
that is distributed throughout actual muscle tissue can increase, which for some may explain why there is a loss of strength in the arms or legs.
Especially for women who previously stored excess weight in the thighs or bottom, which is actually protective for
heart health, after menopause they may start to see weight beginning to store around the waist and belly area, which is not as healthy for metabolic health and should be
Make an appointment with our Nutritionist or Dietitian if you have concerns about
changes in your weight and shape.
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Food Allergy Week is from the 15th to the 21st of May this Year with rates now 1 in 10, click here to find out how to get involved.. |
Fermented foods are traditional food staples that have been used by many cultures around the world for thousands of years. These foods include things like Kefir, Sauerkraut, Kimchi and even Sourdough bread. Click here to find out more about fermented food. Many cultures associate consumption of these foods as positive for health, and now we have a considerable body of research to show that this is indeed the case as these foods can provide a good dietary source of probiotics and prebiotics.
All of the health benefits aside, these foods taste great! So we have added recipes and tips to our website for those who would like to make some fermented foods at home, it's simpler than you think.
At the clinic we now have fermenting kits that make fermenting vegetables easier by keeping the vegetables submerged in the liquid while fermenting as this is an anaerobic process (oxygen free). Take a look next time you are in the Reception area, or ask your practitioner for further information.
Fermentation of vegetables involves the cultivation of the "good" microbes, and exclusion of the "bad" microbes, this is done by making sure that the process is free of oxygen. This kit enables you to twist a knob to squash the vegetables under the liquid and keep the oxygen away from them while they ferment. Kits are available from the clinic, take a look when you visit next, or discuss with your practitioner.
Most of us are back at work and school by now, and as we get into the swing, we are reminded of how hard it is to maintain health goals, and keep you and the kids happy when trying to navigate
lunch and snacks.
The key here is to pre-prepare as much as you can so that when the morning rush hits you can just grab bits and run. We have given a few examples, recipes & tips for the 3 parts of your
lunch bag - a drink, your morning or afternoon tea, and lunch itself.
If you pack well you will be less likely to grab snacks and other foods on the run that are likely to sabotage your health goals.
If you have any specific needs, ask your practitioner for lunch ideas specifically for your tastes, routine and health goals, we're a wealth
of practical and most importantly reputable information.
Water is best, and easy for some, but for those needing a little help with motivation to stay hydrated, and to keep those boring drink bottles attractive at school,
try adding a slice of lemon, or fresh mint, & filling bottles up with ice-blocks on those hot February days.
Morning or Afternoon tea
Avoid pre-packaged, convenience products which are often high in salt, sugar & fat. Click here for some
tips from our Nutritionist.
The list is endless here from sandwiches and wraps to lovely fresh salads especially this time of year. The challenge is convenience and healthy ingredients.
Pre-preparing lunch ingredients is the key, click here for some helpful ideas
At Brunswick Integrative Care the clinic shopfront has had a facelift, and we have re-opened, all refreshed and ready for a great year ahead.
Whether you have made a News Year's resolution, or even if this email has reminded you of your intention to move forward with your health goals, make an appointment to see one of our
practitioners to help you.
Don't be put off or sidetracked by all of the Fad, quick-fix health ideas that seem to bombard us all everyday, whether it be healthy weight, or other chronic health issue, we are qualified and
ready to guide you down your individual wellness path.