As with many traditional cooking processes, Sourdough bread is now being seen as a healthier alternative to mass-produced, commercially available bread products. This is mostly due to the effects of the fermentation process on the composition of the bread, and the advantages that this may offer to some people. Here is a great article that covers some of its history and advantages over modern breadmaking processes.
As the fermentation process takes a longer period of time to complete there is an increased amount of enzyme activity by the yeast, which has been shown to increase the bioavailability of minerals present, and also increase the degredation of gluten proteins which may offer some relief to individuals with a sensitivity to gluten. (Please note that there is still gluten present and the bread remains unsuitable for those with celiac disease).
Interestingly for those individuals with diabetes or issues with blood sugar management, the extended fermentation process provides sourdough yeast with a longer time to feed on the available starches in the bread dough, thereby reducing the amount of available simple sugars in the finished product, there has been some evidence to show some benefit in reducing the initial glycaemic load in response to the bread consumed.
The sourdough breadmaking process involves the use of a sourdough "starter" rather than a commercially produced yeast product. This starter can be purchased ready made, or can be made simpy at home by frementing flour and water for a number of days to encourage the growth of wild yeast, and then using this on an ongoing basis by taking the amount needed, when needed to make bread and feeding the remaining "starter" with additional flour and water to keep it going. Here are a couple of links if you would like to make your own starter:
the kitchn & beginners guide to sourdough bread
Once you have your starter then you can commence bread making, here are a few photos of the process, following the instructions in the beginners guide. For those that need more assistance getting started, there may be practical classes available in your area, here in Brunswick East we have this one close by at Bee Sustainable.
Your practitioner would love to hear from you if you have any feedback about your experience with sourdough and it's effect on any of your food tolerance issues.